This page dedicated to provide you with some useful technical information, focusing on some fundamental theories,and applications, particularly in the field of electrical & Heating Engineering. This page probably helpful to those who in need to refresh their memories or to the Engineering university students. Please come in this page frequently, to see if there is any new useful information to you. Also, I would be very glad if you use feed back button to tell me about your valuable ideas,or new tech.information from your own resources, in which I can include it in this page to help others in making the knowledge very close at their hands.
Heating Elements Design Fundamentals Simply stated, the basic problem in designing an electrical heating element for any given application is that of selecting a type and size of resistance wire, ribbon, or strip which will operate satisfactorily at the desired temperature under specified environmental condition and one which can also be coiled or otherwise formed into an element that will fit within the space provided for it in the device itself. While there is no substitute for experience in solving such a problem, the information presented in this section will serve as a helpful guide lines. -Technical Fundamentals of electrical Heating - General Operating & Maintenance Instructions For Heating Elements - Heat Requirement Calculations - Electricity Regulation (Guide for electrical installation) |
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