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Completed Job

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Project Name:    Thoupan Rock Crusher

Project Location: Al Fujairah - Thoupan Village, UAE, 25 km after Al Dhaid town on the way to Al Fujairah city.

Project Description:  The project aims to produce multi deferent sizes of aggregate, washed sand and road base, in which to be used in concrete productions industries and road construction works in UAE. The proposed Capacity planed to be 1000 T/H approximately.

In order to meet the afore said purposes and to meet the rapid growing up demand on this products, a five major plants had been oriented and established in different locations within the production area.

Beside the mentioned plants, a fully furnished labor camp with kitchen, canteen, Mosque, and all other facilities have been constructed to accommodate the 70 persons of ordinary labors, supervisor, Engineers, and other workers.

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Fully equipped work shop with carriage have been associated to facilitate the mechanical support to the used heavy  machinery, and the earth moving equipment.


Now!.. let us preview the five major plants in some details:

1- Fully illuminated 150 T/H production line consists of 90 kW jaw rock crusher, 2 number of 90 kW horizontal shaft impactors (Parker), with 12 different sizes of rubber belt conveyers, 3 power screen, and main feeder, the total connected load: is 350 kW.

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2- Fully illuminated 150 T/H vertical shaft impactor 250 kW (single motor), associated with feeder, conveyers, and power screen in totally connected load of 350 kW.

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3- Mobile power screen fully equipped with input and output conveyers with feeder and extended output conveyers to produce 50 T/H of road base, totally connected load is 150 kW, including the lighting system for night shift duty purposes.

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4- Mobile power screen complete with extended output conveyers and extra 2 decks screen to produces the natural aggregate of  3/4, 3/8, 3/16 inch, fully illuminated with 500 w Metal-Halide projectors, totally connected load is 150 kW, powered by 850 KVA CAT. generating set where the same generating unit is being connected to the plant No.1 as main power supply.

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5- Sand washing plant, 2 Nos. equipped water-sand mixer tower and input-output conveyers. One input 90 kW water pump associated to each washing machine, and 2 90 kW -each- as returning back water pump after the water settling process.

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In the following, list of pumps showing their capacities and functions.

A- Main water supply pump for elevated mixer-Huber, 90 kW, 2 Nos.

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B- Compensating water pump 90 kW, 2 Nos.

C- Vertically mounted pump to provide the turbulence movement inside the washing machine main sink, 2 Nos. 15 kW each.

D- Mud mobile pump 80 kW.

E- Same as above but 35 kW.

F- Deferent capacities of submersible pump to procure water supply for drinking and industrial purposes.

Power Supply: Electrical power supply procured through five generating sets as following:

        1- 850 KVA CAT.

        2- 630 KVA CAT.

        3- 320 KVA CAT.

        4- 280 KVA CAT.

        5- 75 KVA Mitsubishi.

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Our scope of works: We had been appointed to provide fully contracted electrical works with provide the designing of the complete power net working, including manufacturing, and installation all of the needful electrical Distribution Boards (DB's),Control Panels, main switches,and change over switches as well as the electrical lighting for the whole production area with all associated control units and networking.  


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last up dated  11/03/02