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Hums Electrical & Sanitary Repairing Co. is a services provider company, located in the new industrial area of Ajman / UAE.

With our professional and experienced workers, and our well-organized facilities we are offering a wide range of a highly standard of electrical services for the local industries.

The following services are, our currently major activities:

1- Electrical Motor Starter&Controller (Designing & Manufacturing).

2- Electrical Motor Servicing and Refurbishing.

3- Complete Electrical Furnaces Repair & Retrofits.

4- Refractory products And Refractory insulations.

5- Accessories.

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Also, as apart of our objectives here, we are including some useful technical information for our valued visitors, that  may be helpful, particularly to the peoples who are studying the Engineering science. please check them, and feel free to copy any file you may need, or, you can add from your own sources.


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Copyright © 2001 Hums Elec.& Sani. Rep. Co.


last up dated  11/03/02