-Guide for electrical installation -


  1. All cables (conductors) including flexible cable and apparatus (including portable apparatus ) shall be sufficient in strength and size for the purpose for which they are to be used .
  2. All live conductors including those forming port of the apparatus shall either be insulated and further effectively protected where necessary , or placed and safe-guarded as to prevent danger so far as reasonably practicable .
  3. Every circuit shall be protected against excess current and energy by means of a suitable fuse or automatic circuit breaker .
  4. All metal work enclosing supporting or otherwise associated with electrical conductors to be connected with earth or other adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger .
  5. On main switch or circuit breaker placed at convenient height for ready operation , shall be provided , so that all voltage may be speedily cut-off from every part of an installation and from all electrical apparatus as may be necessary to prevent danger .
  6. Every piece of electrical apparatus which requires operation or attention to normal use shall be so installed that adequate means of access and working space are afforded for such operation , or attention , and every electric motor shall be controlled by and efficient switch or switches for starting and stopping and the said switch or switches shall be so placed as to be readily accessible to and easily operated by the person in charge of the motor or machine .
  7. All electrical apparatus and cables (conductors) exposed to weather and adverse conditions shall be so constructed and protected as to prevent danger arising from such exposure.
  8. Where conductor or apparatus is likely to be exposed to flammable surroundings or an explosive atmosphere it shall be protected by flame proof enclosure or be otherwise so designed and constructed as to prevent danger .
  9. No addition , temporary or permanent , or splitting or rewiring shall be made to an existing installation unless the appropriate application and wiring permit has been issued and in carrying out any such authorized additions , it is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the existing equipment is suitable for carrying such additional load .
  10. Cables (conductors) and apparatus operating at a voltage of 250 volts or more , between conductors or to earth shall be enclosed in either rigid plastic trunking or earthen metal which is electrically continuous and adequately protected against mechanical damage.




  1. External wiring : Where it is essential for wiring to be underground suitable underground cable must be used , laid to a depth as approved by electricity &water authority -Sharjah . In case where the wiring has to be taken over-head to a building situated over 2 mtr from the main building , the cable can be attached to a galvanized steel suspension wire of a gauge suitable to carry the weight of the cable . and must be connected with earth .
  2. Location of conduit and cable “RUNS” : diagonal runs will not be permitted . All brunches should be taken off at right angles . Cables or conduit should be kept clear of hot water or steam pipes,chimny flues etc.but where of necessity , they pass in close proximity of these,suitable moisture - proof insulation and fire - proof protection should be fitted .
  3. Circuits :
  1. Lights and Fans : The maximum number of lighting points per circuit is 10 per 5 Amp circuit provided that no lamp exceeds 100 watts . Separate circuit for fan points should be installed except where there are only up to 3 fans , when these may be incorporated in a lighting circuit . All lighting and fan points should be taken as equivalent to 100 watts . If larger lamps or fans are installed , then the number of points per circuit must be reduced to limit the current per circuit to 3 Ampere .
  2. Small Power : 5 Amp. Socket outlets Should be rated at 5 Amp. One 5 Amp.socket outlet should be wired in 1.5 sq.mm . Tow 5 Amp. socket outlet should be wired 2.5 sq.mm . Three (max) 5 Amp. socket outlets should be wired in 4.0 sq.mm.
  3. Power Socket Outlet : 15 Amp. socket outlets should be rated at 15 Amp. and only one 15 Amp. socket installed per 4 sq.mm. circuit . It is recommended that this type of socket outlet be used for all windows A/C units . Most manufacturers stipulate that air con. units should each be on their own individual circuits and experience has proved this to be desirable . Final sub-circuits rated more than 15 Amp. are not to supply more than one point unless they supply 13 Amp. ring circuits . The other exceptions allowed are 50 Amp. socket outlets for portable equipment such as welders , provided the maximum load will not exceed 50 Amp. ,a similar provision for 60 Amp. socket outlets , and cooker control units , or lighting track systems with individual luminaries protected against excess current .
  4. 13 Amp. Ring Main Systems : It is preferable to use 13 Amp. ring main socket outlet systems with the following conditions :
  1. Not more than ten 13 Amp. socket outlets should be connected to one 30 Amp. ring main , which is to be continuous ring of 2x4 sq.mtr. cable .
  2. Spur sockets can be installed , but only one socket per spur , with a maximum length of 2 mtr of 4 sq.mm. cable from the ring . The number of spur sockets is not to exceed the number of sockets on the ring .


  1. General Conditions Pertaining to Socket Outlets : All sockets must be provided with a means of earthing . All 5 , 13 and 15 Amp. socket outlets must be of a shuttered type i.e. it must not be possible to come into contact with any part of socket which may be alive . All sockets in the same room of any building must be connected to the same phase of the supply except in the case of rooms of floor area exceeding 45 sq.m in which case more than one phase may be used provided that areas served by different phases do not overlap. Adjacent socket outlets which are fed from separate phases of a 3 phases supply must be at least 2 mtr. Apart , where an electric cooker is fed from a separate phase , all other equipment in the kitchen including light and fans , should be connected on the same phase.


  1. Power ( Motors) : Electrical motors other than those installed in domestic appliances or on a multi - motor machine should be connected each to a separate circuit in the distribution board . All motors over half h.p. must be protected by starter fitted with , over load protection . A general requirement is for motors to be of the totally enclosed , fan - cooled type although exceptions are permitted where suitable motors below 1 h.p. can be connected to a single - phase supply and with permission , so can motors up to 5 h.p. motors up to 150 h.p. may be connected to the 415 V supply but for higher ratings the user is advised to obtain approval from Sharjah electricity & water authority , SEWA can only supply above 415 V at 11 Kv . three-phase 50 Hz.

Motors up to 5 h.p. may be started “Direct On Line “ , motors from 5

to 10 h.p. must be started “ Star - Delta “ Auto. Motors from 10 - 20

h.p. must be resistance motor starting . All motors over 20 h.p. must

be of a slip ring type of construction . Any deviation from this stated ,

shall be intimated to SEWA before carrying out the installation .

The particular case can then be studied and recommendations or

modifications if necessary can be made to assist in the installation.


  1. Cooker and Water Heater : The wiring for these appliances shall in every case incorporate a local double pole isolating switch. Wiring from the heater or boiler shall be directly connected to that switch without the use of plug and socket outlet . In this connection also ref. Item 9 .
  2. Switch Connections : All single pole switches should be connected in the “live” or phase wire of the system and a declaration to this effect made on the test of an installation They are to be between 1 and 1.5mtr. above floor level , about 15cm from the door frame , and with the switch nearest the door controlling one or more principal lights in the room .
  3. Joint : Joints in conductors should be made with clamp type connectors . Joints made by twisting ends of cables and taping over will not be permitted unless efficiently soldered and re-insulated .
  4. Ceiling Fans : Fans shall be suspended from the roof of the ceiling by properly made bolted clamps . Suspension of fans from chandelles by means of “S” hooks will not be permitted . The minimum height of a ceiling fan should be 2.5 mtr. From the floor level . It is recommended that all ceiling fans should be supplied via a socket and plug outlet . This enables easy removal for servicing , maintenance and testing purposes . Where a ceiling fan is connected through a ceiling rose , the earth wire must be brought out in order to provide effective earthing to the body of the fan . If the down rod of the fan is extended , the coupling must be either pinned or welded .
  5. Attachment of Fittings and Accessories : In bathrooms , toilets , kitchens and out side houses or any places where water taps or fittings or masses of metal connected to earth are handled , special precautions must be taken , so that it is impossible to touch the electrical apparatus Fittings or accessories and the water systems , etc , simultaneously . When fittings & accessories are exposed to excessive dampness and rain , they should be of water - tight specification . Plug socket outlets are not allowed in bathrooms except in case where they supply a fixed appliance which cannot be reached unless a ladder is used and the control of these must be by ceiling pull-switch with an insulated cord or a switch situated outside the bathroom immediately adjacent to the normal access door of the room . Electric dry shaver outlets may be installed in a bathroom provided , the shaver outlet complies with B.S. 3052 . (Protection must be incorporated in the form of a voltage operated earth leakage circuit breaker and the supplying the shaver shall be isolated both from supply mains and from earth with suitable isolating transformer ) .

